sabato 19 marzo 2011


Oduduwa, father of the Yoruba
There are two oral traditions among the Yoruba about the identity of Oduduwa, the father of the Yoruba.

First Story:

The first oral tradition states that he descended from heaven and he was specifically sent to the world by
God to rule mankind. He was said to have no earthly parents.
According to this story, the creator of the world was Olodumare (The only almighty God).
Before the world was created, there was only a watery, marshy waste.
Olodumare live in heaven. In order to create the earth, Olodumare sent his son Oduduwa down from heaven.
First, Olodumare let his son down with a chain carrying a handful of earth, a cockerel and a palmnut.
From these things, plants and animals grew.
Oduduwa spread the earth over the marshes, the cockerel scratched it and the palm tree grew up
in it from which all people came.

Yoruba Proverbs

  • Who doesn't buy a lie, cannot buy the truth.
  • Who doen't store food on the shelf cannot eat from the shelf
  • If a road is walk in the day, it night is even more difficult.
